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Editorial Policies

Peer Review Process

All work published in LDD is peer-reviewed by at least two readers. While the journal aspires to double-blind review, the editors understand that the scholarly community working on particular languages and topics can sometimes be quite small, making the author’s identity impossible to veil. Wherever possible, the decision about single- vs. double-blind review will be made in consultation with the author. Guidelines for reviewers stress confidentiality in all cases.

Reviewer Guidelines

Reviewers are asked to assess a manuscript’s significance, contribution to the field, appropriateness for the journal, and clarity of presentation. Suggestions for revision are requested from reviewers whether or not they recommend the manuscript for publication.

Reviewer reports are advisory only. Submission are selected for publication by the managing editor in consultation with the editorial team.

Prior Publication

Papers are not considered previously published if they have been loaded onto preprint servers or personal websites or if they have been presented at conferences or on other informal communication channels. Papers that have been published in formal conference proceedings should be brought to the attention of the editors upon submission.

Authors are encouraged to link all informal postings of their paper to the final version published in LDD if it is accepted and published.

Preprint Policy

The journal allows authors to make draft versions of their paper available as a preprint so long as the author retains copyright to the preprint and developed works from it, and has all rights to submit to the journal. The author should declare that a preprint is available at the time of submission. Should the submission be published, the authors are expected to update the information associated with the preprint version to show that a final version has been published in the journal, including the DOI linking directly to the publication.


Authors are encouraged to register with Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) if practicable. ORCID registration provides a unique and persistent digital identifier that enables accurate attribution and improves the discoverability of published papers, ensuring that the correct author receives credit for their work regardless of changes of name, affiliation, or research area.

ORCID numbers should be added to the author data upon submission and will be published alongside the submitted manuscript if accepted.


Open Data

LDD encourages authors to make their data accessible according to FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). For guidance on how to cite and reference data within a manuscript, see the Tromsø Recommendations for Citation of Research Data in Linguistics. All data and materials obtained from secondary sources must be appropriately credited.