Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil

Research Articles

Quotatives in Indigenous languages of Brazil

Suzi Lima, Uli Sauerland and Tonjes Veenstra

2024-02-16 Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil

Questionnaire/considerations for research on quotative constructions (based on Aikhenvald 2008)

Tonjes Veenstra, Dennis Moore and Hein van der Voort

2024-02-16 Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil

Quotative strategies in Panará

Bernat Bardagil

2024-02-16 Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil

Quotative constructions in Karitiana

Luiz Fernando Ferreira and Luciana Storto

2024-02-16 Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil

Quotative constructions in Kuikuro (Upper Xingu Carib)

Bruna Franchetto

2024-02-16 Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil

Quote constructions in the Sakurabiat language

Ana Galucio

2024-02-16 Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil

On quotatives and speech verbs in Yudja

Suzi Lima

2024-02-16 Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil

Speech reports and ideophones in Maxakalí

Mário André Coelho da Silva, Carlo Sandro de Oliveira Campos and Andrew Nevins

2024-02-16 Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil

Talking about talk in Kotiria and Wa’ikhana (East Tukano)

Kristine Stenzel and Nicholas Williams

2024-02-16 Volume 23 • Issue 2 • 2023 • Special Issue on Quotatives in Indigenous Languages of Brazil