Research Articles

Salient morphosyntactic patterns of Iñapari 

  • Chris Rogers


Iñapari is an Arawak language spoken by four siblings in the village of Sabaluyoc along the Las Piedras River in the department of Madre de Dios, Peru. In catalogs and other literature, Iñapari is often incorrectly classified as being (possibly) extinct. In response to the lack of information on the language, an intensive five-week field research scenario in July 2019 was conducted with the primary goal of ascertaining the vitality of the language and, if possible, collecting information and materials about its morphosyntax. Information was recorded through elicitation, conversation, and naturalistic storytelling. It is hoped that this sketch will contribute to the understanding of Iñapari specifically, and its favorable valuation as a linguistic resource for its speakers generally. 

Keywords: Arawak, Sabaluyoc, Peru, morphosyntax

How to Cite:

Rogers, C., (2021) “Salient morphosyntactic patterns of Iñapari ”, Language Documentation and Description 20, 86-122. doi:

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Published on
30 Jun 2021
Peer Reviewed