Front Matter

Editors' Introduction and List of Contributors (LDD 10)

  • Niclas Burenhult
  • Arthur Holmer
  • Anastasia Karlsson
  • Håkan Lundström
  • Jan-Olof Svantesson


This volume of Language Documentation and Description contains selected papers originally presented at the conference Humanities of the lesser-known: new directions in the description, documentation and typology of endangered languages and musics, which took place on the 10th and 11th September 2010 at the Centre for Languages and Literature at Lund University, Sweden, with funding from the Birgit Rausing Language Programme. The conference brought together leading international experts in the fields of language description and documentation, linguistic typology, and musicology, with the aim of providing a platform to discuss interdisciplinary approaches connecting these fields of research. In particular, the conference sought to draw attention to areas of humanities research which have so far typically played a secondary role in the description and documentation of lesser-known speech communities, but which emerge as particularly promising domains of attention in the context of the steadily growing multimedia environments of endangered languages materials. Three such areas – music, prosody, and semantics – were singled out as key conference themes, alongside more mainstream grammatical work. Contributions covered a wide array of topics within these areas, frequently with novel analytical bridging of two or more areas.

How to Cite:

Burenhult, N., Holmer, A., Karlsson, A., Lundström, H. & Svantesson, J., (2011) “Editors' Introduction and List of Contributors (LDD 10)”, Language Documentation and Description 10, 5-14. doi:

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Published on
31 Jul 2011
Peer Reviewed