Front Matter

Editor's Preface and List of Contributors (LDD 5)

  • Peter K. Austin


The papers in this volume arise from various sources. Those by Ruth Finnegan, Maurizio Gnerre and Frank Seifart are written up versions of talks given at a workshop entitled What counts (and what doesn’t)? Data and methodology in language documentation held at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) on 4th-5th November 2006 and co-organised by Leora Bar-el and Friederike Luepke. Louise Ashmore’s contribution grows out of her MA dissertation submitted at SOAS in 2006, while David Nathan’s is an elaborated version of a paper presented at the International Conference on Austronesian Endangered Language Documentation held at Providence University, Taiwan, 5th-7th June 2007. Margaret Florey’s paper was presented orally at the Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory held at SOAS on 7th-8th December 2007 and appears in written form here for the first time. All the papers were anonymously refereed by colleagues at SOAS; I am particularly grateful for assistance with refereeing from Oliver Bond and David Nathan. Tom Castle did all the layout and formatting and looked after printing and binding, as well as designing the new cover that was established with LDD 4.

How to Cite:

Austin, P., (2008) “Editor's Preface and List of Contributors (LDD 5)”, Language Documentation and Description 5, 5-12. doi:

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Published on
31 Jul 2008
Peer Reviewed